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What is the Minimum Amount Due on a Credit Card?

Are you an Indian credit card user wondering about the concept of "minimum amount due"? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into understanding the minimum amount due on credit cards, its importance, and the implications of paying only the minimum amount.

Introduction to Minimum Amount Due on Credit Cards

The minimum amount due is a crucial concept in credit card management. It refers to the minimum payment that a credit card holder is required to make each month to keep their account in good standing and avoid late payment fees. This amount is typically a percentage of the total outstanding balance or a fixed minimum amount, whichever is higher.

Understanding the Minimum Amount Due Calculation

Factors Affecting the Minimum Amount Due

The minimum amount due on a credit card is calculated based on several factors, including:

  1. Outstanding Balance: The total amount owed on the credit card, including any purchases, cash advances, and fees.

  2. Interest Charges: The interest accrued on the outstanding balance.

  3. Fees: Any applicable fees, such as annual fees or late payment fees.

  4. Minimum Payment Percentage: The percentage of the outstanding balance that the credit card issuer requires as the minimum payment.

Minimum Amount Due Calculation Example

Let's consider an example to understand the calculation of the minimum amount due:Suppose your credit card has an outstanding balance of ₹20,000, and the minimum payment percentage is 5%. The minimum amount due would be calculated as follows:Minimum Amount Due = 5% of ₹20,000 = ₹1,000In addition to the 5% of the outstanding balance, the minimum amount due may also include any unpaid minimum amounts from previous billing cycles, as well as any applicable fees or charges.

Benefits of Paying the Minimum Amount Due

Avoiding Late Payment Fees

By paying at least the minimum amount due, you can avoid late payment fees, which can be quite substantial and add to your overall debt.

Maintaining Good Credit Standing

Consistently paying the minimum amount due helps maintain your credit card account in good standing, which is crucial for your credit score and overall financial health.

Preventing Negative Impact on Credit Score

Failing to pay the minimum amount due can have a negative impact on your credit score, as it is considered a late or missed payment. Paying the minimum amount due helps protect your credit score.

Risks of Paying Only the Minimum Amount Due

Increased Interest Charges

One of the primary drawbacks of paying only the minimum amount due is the accumulation of interest charges. Since the minimum payment typically covers only a small portion of the outstanding balance, the remaining balance continues to accrue interest, leading to a higher overall cost of credit.

Prolonged Debt Repayment

By consistently paying only the minimum amount due, you will end up taking much longer to pay off your credit card balance, as the majority of your payments will go towards interest rather than the principal amount.

Reduced Credit Utilization Ratio

Your credit utilization ratio, which is the ratio of your credit card balance to your credit limit, is a significant factor in determining your credit score. Paying only the minimum amount due can lead to a higher credit utilization ratio, negatively impacting your credit score.

Best Practices for Credit Card Minimum Amount Due

Pay More Than the Minimum Amount Due

Whenever possible, try to pay more than the minimum amount due. This will help you pay off your credit card balance faster, reduce interest charges, and improve your credit utilization ratio.

Avoid Making Only the Minimum Payment a Habit

While paying the minimum amount due can be a temporary solution, it should not become a long-term habit. Strive to pay off your credit card balance in full each month to avoid the pitfalls of paying only the minimum.

Utilize Credit Card Spending Trackers

Consider using a credit card spending tracker or a personal finance app to monitor your credit card usage and ensure you're making timely payments that exceed the minimum amount due.


The minimum amount due on a credit card is a crucial concept that every Indian credit card user should understand. By paying at least the minimum amount due, you can avoid late payment fees and maintain a good credit standing. However, it's essential to avoid making the minimum payment a habit, as it can lead to increased interest charges, prolonged debt repayment, and a negative impact on your credit score. Remember to pay more than the minimum amount due whenever possible and utilize credit card spending trackers to stay on top of your finances.

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